Sheriff Mark Lamb discusses Canadians and Firearms

I recently spoke with Sheriff Mark Lamb, and he likes the idea of creating a pathway for Canadians to legally carry a firearm in Arizona.

There were many Hot-Button issues Sheriff Lamb tackled during my recent Secrets-from-the-Inside Campfire Chat — as well as many light and funny moments. Serious issues included Alberta-51 US Statehood, the US Border catastrophe, election overhaul, and yes, a pathway for Canadians to legally carry firearms in Arizona.

To me, the firearm subject is huge, especially during these traumatic times for everyday citizens, north and south. If Arizona Legislators would consider allowing Canadian visitors and permanent residents to legally carry a firearm, it would represent a tip-of-the-cap to the Second Amendment and illustrate a deep and feisty commitment to States Rights, as per the Constitution.

As a dual-citizen now living in Arizona, the issue is deeply personal to me. My Canadian friends — especially folks up in Alberta — have suffered terribly under the current Prime Minister. The recent “Camel’s Back” moments? The Freedom Convoy retaliation, and the sweeping “gun-grab” following the Uvalde tragedy. Things are crazy up in Canada these days.

The prospect of enjoying Second Amendment American Freedom, when living in or visiting Arizona, will be refreshing to so many Canadians I know — a sunny Welcome Mat. And, I suspect it would be a quantifiable boon to the state of Arizona.

There is NO DOUBT in my mind. 2022 is easily the most oppressive era of government overreach and disastrous policies I have ever witnessed in my 63 years. Leadership in both Canada and the United States is easily the worst ever, in either country’s history. How sad and tragic. I don’t blame my ALBERTA 51 friends a bit for wanting to become the next US State.

I will be publishing more about my in-depth interview with Sheriff Lamb, including video clips I will soon be releasing on my YouTube Channel: Greg Meakin. Please Subscribe — you don’t want to miss it.

Also, feel free to send me a quick email anytime, and follow me on Facebook and YouTube.

A la prochaine,

Greg Meakin
Arizona City, AZ

You've Just Been Dating the Wrong Girlfriend

You’ve Just Been Dating the Wrong Girlfriend

By Greg Meakin

Do you ever feel like you’re banging your head against the wall, trying to make a relationship work? Love and hate. Ups and downs. Mixed messages galore. For months, years, or goodness, decades on end.

It is so difficult for me to understand why an abused spouse keeps coming back for more. Sure, there are deep psychiatric issues out there that are beyond my paygrade. I’ve heard of Stockholm Syndrome. I’ve watched men and women living in misery every day, thinking there is no way out. Sometimes, high school sweetheart relationships turn out anything but sweet.

I try to keep things simple and believe the most complex issues can usually be narrowed down to a few key truths. In this case, I see a common denominator in abusive relationships.

For whatever reason, the abused party seems to embrace two things, knowingly or not:

1. It’s the only game in town
2. It’s easier to comply than to step out into a scary world of unknowns

And this can apply to more things than relationships. Decades ago, I remember shopping for a new home in the Seattle area, and I was in love with one particular neighborhood. I shopped and shopped, made offers on several houses, but nothing came together. For almost a year, I was banging my head against the wall because I KNEW this was the neighborhood for me. I just knew it.

Lo and behold, my wife called me at work one day. She casually mentioned she had driven by a house for sale, and it looked nice. Problem was, it was in a completely different neighborhood. It was not on my radar. Short story, within 24-hours I bought the house, at a lower price than my budget, with more privacy and nicer amenities than I had ever expected. We ended up living there, happily ever after.

Just like that.

It was the first time I realized I had been infatuated with the first neighborhood. I was too close to the forest to see the trees. I had NO idea there was another neighborhood sitting quietly in the wings – a perfect and Godly fit – just waiting for me to notice her.

When this “awakening” happens in life, you know it. Everything becomes EASY. Things move quick-like-a-bunny, with no obstructions. It FEELS good. You are no longer banging your head against the wall – the wall dissolves to dust and you just stroll down the new road.

ALBERTA is the Poster-Child of an abused spouse. Disrespected since 1867, and getting worse every day. A deeply toxic relationship with a heavy-handed Ottawa…and NO END IN SIGHT!

Growing up in Quebec and now living in Arizona, I am so far from the Alberta forest I need a long-range GPS just to see any green. If I could hover above Alberta with a big megaphone, I would shout to the rooftops:


The United States of America is quietly waiting in the wings. She is open to new relationships, she would welcome you with open arms, she would shower you with freedom, happiness and wealth beyond your wildest dreams. Your value will be appreciated, and with reciprocity. She would respect you in the morning – and put it in writing with the warm embrace of a timeless Constitution.

It is time for Alberta to dump Ottawa, and marry the United States of America, as her 51st State.

Only after I moved into my new house in Seattle did I fully realize the long-term happiness that follows any hard-fought victory.

Once Alberta endures the noise and heartache of a messy Confederation Divorce (via a Provincial Referendum and the legal squabbling that will preclude and surely follow) her citizens will feel joy, prosperity, and respect as never before.

The first morning waking up as a US Citizen, feeling the freedom and optimism that is baked into American Life, Albertans will realize they made the right choice.

Personal Freedom is not a cliche – it is the only ticket to true human happiness. Just ask people around the world these days. The Founding Fathers knew it all along…thank God.

There is another game in town, folks. You don’t have to comply with Canada, even if change is scary. There can be no retaliation from Canada, because America will now have your back. You have the power to choose a new life-partner, and you’re worth it.

You’ve just been dating the wrong girlfriend all these years. You deserve better, and America is waiting for you at the altar of Freedom.

To have and to hold, forever.


Greg Meakin is a dual-citizen, born in Portsmouth NH and raised in Montreal. He spent most of his adult life in the Seattle area, and is now retired in Arizona City AZ. He writes and publishes full-time, and just released his third book, WHY I CAME TO AMERICA…and what I think now. The book is only available on his website,, and his email address is



By Greg Meakin

“Everything’s fine, because it won’t happen to me”

I don’t know if anyone has noticed, but Canada is kind of divided right now. Scratch that. My beloved Canada has gone from a confederated Sunday School picnic with family and friends…to an outright donneybrook of dueling-citizens. The benches have cleared, and the melees have begun. Away we go.

I can’t believe what I’m seeing. I am a writer not a fighter, and a dual citizen to-boot. I have been struggling to figure out a way to Referee the ugly brawl, without stepping on any toes with a sharp skate blade.

Although the dust has settled a bit with the Prime Minister revoking the Emergency Act, I want to make just one point, and identify one clear Tipping Point that occurred during the Freedom Convoy 2022 episode. I view the cultural and ideological war that continues to unfold across Canada as a simple concept. But how to communicate this simplicity to both sides of this chasm of upheaval, vitriol, and couch-fainting?...

It’s a ferocious battle between Personal Freedom, and perceived Community Good. Simple, really.

Through the inevitable fog of this unique war, the ONE thing that disturbs me more than anything was the unilateral freezing of private citizens’ bank accounts. This was uncharted and underhanded territory for
uber-polite Canada, for sure – but to those in favor, it sounded like a routine walk in the park.

I don’t understand how one side cannot see through the fog to the other side’s position, even for a moment. But before you think this is a nonpartisan campfire of coziness, I have chosen to take a position, and have used my essay title as the best way to capture the attention of my more ardent Canadian Liberal friends. Trump triggers liberals, for sure.

First, to relieve any angry readers here (especially in Toronto!) – Donald Trump will never be King of Canada. And, Canada will never have a crowned King in Ottawa…I think.

The point I want to make is; the now in-vogue labelling of entire groups of nice people as pseudo-domestic terrorists, is easily the most dangerous thing that could happen to personal freedom in Canada, full stop.

The Art-of-Label was perfected on January 6th, where Democrats and their accomplices in the mainstream media successfully branded President Trump – and ALL his supporters – as domestic terrorists. According to spin, these Trump alt-right people had one goal: to illegally overthrow the government. Seditionists! Insurrectionists!

”They are a threat to our democracy!” were the DNC Talking Points of the day, and echoed even today by cut-and-paste journalists, and other vocal activists.

And this Art-of-Label ruse was wildly successful to a grossly under-researched audience…hook, line and sinker. I remind my MAGA-hating friends north and south, they are trashing 75-million people – and coincidentally, HALF the electorate in the United States!

The Tipping Point I want to identify was the Canadian Parliament voting to EXTEND the Emergencies Act. To me, this changed everything. This was Tribe vs. Tribe warfare. If it were just the Prime Minister pulling the trigger on the Act, opponents could easily just label him a King, or Dictator, or Garcon de Sock.

But with the extension vote, Monsieur Trudeau was off the Kingly hook, and could claim the Act was extended by the democratic will of Parliament, and the majority of Canadians ad hominem. Well played, Mr. Prime Minister, well played. You owe your NDP buddy, big-league.

Again, this privacy-grab and financial oppression was nonchalant routine to supporters of the Emergency Act.

Canadian Liberal Karen: “The Trucker Convoy, along with its participants and supporters, broke the law! They would not comply with the law, so they deserved it. They deserved to have their bank accounts frozen, their insurance revoked, their licences suspended, and anything else to penalize them for breaking the law. If they lose everything they have, that’s their problem. They were warned. They didn’t comply.” 

To those Canadians who would concur with Karen above, I contend it is mainly because it does not affect YOU, or your daily life. Here is an example:

Let’s just pretend Donald Trump is King of Canada:

    1. First minute on the throne, Trump exonerates all Trucker Convoy participants.

    2. He orders all private information garnered by law enforcement to be expunged, with apologies to those affected.

    3. Anyone who spoke publicly AGAINST the Truckers on social media or elsewhere, is identified and entered into a federal database labelled, “Anti-Charter”.  These folks were obviously trying to subvert Canada’s Charter of Rights, and it will be determined if they broke the law. 

    4. These Charter of Rights Subversives (many of whom are Trudeau supporters), are subject to having their bank or credit union accounts, and other personal assets frozen – until we can get to the bottom of their involvement and support. Many are frozen immediately by King Trump’s Order, without Parliament approval.

5. If put in jail for non-compliance, these Anti-Charter folks will be considered guilty until proven innocent, and not entitled to bail, or traditional due process.

This silly (but edgy) GregsList above is an attempt to provide a virtual example of what transpired in Canada during the Freedom Convoy “emergency”. These are essentially Trudeau actions against the convoy protesters – but the roles are reversed to involve the dreaded name TRUMP.

Be honest. If Justin Trudeau actions were Trump Actions, would you still have been ok with the Emergencies Act?

…“Only until it happens to you, perhaps?”

Greg Meakin is a dual-citizen, born in Portsmouth NH and raised in Montreal. He spent most of his adult life in the Seattle area, and is now retired in Arizona City AZ. He writes and publishes full-time, and just released his third book,
WHY I CAME TO AMERICA…and what I think now. The book is only available on his website,, and his email address is



By Greg Meakin

February 19, 2022

Dear Prime Minister Trudeau:

I remember the day you were born. I told a schoolmate in Dorval Quebec that the baby in diapers, born on Christmas Day 1971, would be a Prime Minister some day. I was twelve, but I was right.

I voted for your dad, twice. My mother told me to. She was a Liberal teacher’s union member, and told me she’d “lose her pension” if a Conservative was elected.

I lived through your dad’s War Measures Act in 1970. The army on the streets of Montreal, and hundreds of arrests without warrants, lawyers, or bail. It was a scary time, at least to me.

I left Canada for the United States in 1983 (much due to your father’s leadership, actually) and am a dual-citizen living in Arizona. I don’t miss snow, but I do miss Montreal hockey!

As I watch the Freedom Convoy 2022 debacle unfold up north, I am heartbroken. I am sad (and shocked) to say that I feel happier, safer, and much more free living in the United States this week. I never thought I would say that, when referring to my beloved Canada.

The level of Freedom Convoy protest “resistance” is of course dwarfed by the George Floyd “mostly peaceful protests” in the states, only a few years ago. The hideous violence, looting, burning, and murders that occurred throughout US cities – mostly in the name of Black Lives Matters and Antifa – was surprisingly supported (directly or ad hominem) by so many politicians and leaders…like you. 

There were scores of deaths, and up to $2-billion in property damage. To this day, I have never heard you denounce Black Lives Matter, or that group having such an active “violence and funding” role during the George Floyd riots.

Is it because you personally like Black Lives Matter, and don’t like the Truckers’ mission? I just don’t understand. How could your reaction be so different, for such similar mass citizen protests? 

Although I am shocked you have taken such an entrenched, partisan approach in dealing with the Freedom Convoy controversy, I offer a solution to the dilemma. You can implement it today!

A Mini-GregsList…

    1. Hold a press conference

2. Let all Canadians know you have listened to both sides, and respect the positions of both sides. And to any person or group you have spoken poorly of…you apologize. (It is an emotional time for all, you included).

    3. In view of science updates, and the concern for prolonging the Ottawa protest any further, you are lifting federal mandates and regulations pertaining to Covid-19, and you encourage all provincial Premieres to do the same. 

4. You encourage all citizens, and companies, to be diligent and safe moving forward, and to choose what health and safety measures are best for them.

5. You declare Canada an Open Country again. Open for business, open for family, and open for Normal Life!

It is a time where I am gravely concerned with the direction Canada is headed under your leadership, ditto in the US with the Biden administration. That said, there are ways to build bridges across any raging river of partisanship. This would be one step forward – and perhaps a giant leap for freedom in Canada.

I urge you, Mr. Prime Minister – do the right thing for all Canadians, and declare your country open and free. Today.

Canadians and Americans are completely exhausted from the last two years. We all need to move on, and get back to life.

The ball is in your court, the puck is in your end, Mr. Prime Minister. I pray you make a decision to take the lead, and score a crucial victory…for all Canadians.


–Greg Meakin

Greg Meakin is a dual citizen born in Portsmouth NH and raised in Montreal. He recently retired to publish full-time, in Arizona City AZ. He just released his third book, WHY I CAME TO AMERICA…and what I think now. The book is only available on his website,


After writing an Open Letter to the wonderful Facebook Group, The 51st State Alberta Statehood Movement, I was asked to participate in a written Q&A to be posted to all group members. I was encouraged to elaborate on my answers, so that members could receive as much information as possible.


Q1 – What motivated you to write your new book?
: Having lived the first half of my life in Montreal, and the second half in the states, I was surprised how little Canadians really know about daily life in the US, and vice versa. I wanted to sort it all out, compare the two countries, and offer solutions to the woes and catastrophes we all face in today’s crazy world. 

Q2 – How would you explain becoming a State and becoming an American, to Albertans and Western Canadians?

COME ON DOWN! I know and love both sides. I have analyzed the Alberta 51 movement closely, and have chatted with wonderful patriots like Gordon Kesler and others. As you well know, I have concluded that the best thing for Albertans, and several other provinces, would be to become a US State. The timing is perfect, for reasons I write about often.

Dual American-Canadian Citizenship would be a priceless, timeless gift to Alberta citizens. It’s not even a close call, based on the laundry list of Benefits vs. virtually ZERO Downside – other than civic sentimentality, perhaps. You and your Group have been doing a great job of EDUCATING people to this end, Ben, and I look forward to contributing. I enjoy being the group’s Dual-Citizen-at-Large! 

Q3 – What are the top misunderstandings that need to be addressed?

The idea of “Independence from Canada” vs. US Statehood is still murky to many people. Also, many Albertans do not realize they actually CONTROL their own destiny. If Alberta votes say, 60% YES in a provincial referendum to become the 51st US will happen. Done! Take it to the bank, and I welcome debate on my edgy prediction here. Bring it on.

Sadly, Canadian provinces have begrudgingly accepted the socialist/globalist oppression coming from ever-arrogant Ottawa, for generations and counting. These “accepting” and “complying” folks cannot see that Canada will have NO say in the Alberta 51 Referendum – and can’t stop it even if they want to. 51%-plus? Bingo. 

The everyday Albertan controls his or her own destiny, which is sometimes difficult to even FATHOM these days. Especially for frustrated, disenfranchised Western Canadians who are so sick and tired of Ottawa and the current Prime Minister. I know people out west who want to throw up every day watching this kid Trudeau go about his business.

Q4 – What are the CBC and other legacy media not telling people, that people need to know?

Everything and anything important and crucial to our individual freedom. They just hide it from you. Seriously. And don’t get me started with the CBC! They literally censor and “spin” stories to fit a parroted daily narrative – or they just kill the whole story, for giggles. Can you say Hunter Biden? As an American, I still don’t understand how the government actually funds the PRIMARY NEWS SOURCE for the whole country. And how can CBC or CTV call themselves objective, independent news sources? Are you kidding? 

But people are smart, they get it. They see right through the Woke nonsense. In the states, we are witnessing the downfall of truly biased, “Democrat-influenced” media with the ongoing collapse and humiliation of CNN, and other corporate-hack news outlets. I don’t believe the CBC could survive one minute without Trudeau government money, and this “backfill” business model is poo poo in the United States. They should pay their own way, or FOLD. Just like the rest of us. The Free-Marketplace will take care of everything, as it always has for hundreds of years and counting. The CBC won’t be missed as much as they think.   

Q5 – Now that you’ve transitioned into becoming American, when you look back, has your perspective changed? If so, in what ways?

  Yes and no. No, in that I was very familiar with both countries before I even left for the states in 1983. I spent a lot of time in the US while growing up in Montreal. I vacationed on Lake Champlain in upstate New York, and played a lot of youth hockey exchange tournaments throughout New England. I LOVED the states. 

But YES, my perspective did change when I started actually living and working in the states. Until 1989 really, I had NO CLUE of the difference between a Liberal, Conservative, Libertarian, Populist, or Globalist. Growing up in Canada, we weren’t entrenched in partisanship as vehemently as Democrats vs. Republicans in the US. It’s still a daily fist fight down here, which I like to “Referee!”

To this day, my Canadian friends, especially from back-east, forward me embarrassingly left-wing stories, from Liberal or Democrat political hacks. The Soros Move.On guys, the Occupy crazies, Toronto Star op-eds, and the other usual suspects. They don’t realize the stories are often completely unresearched propaganda, and sometimes just flat-out journalistic malpractice. 

Being a media-analyst for decades, I cringe when I read many Canadian news stories. Many of my friends up there embrace completely manufactured or biased stories, and transparent DNC Daily Talking Points verbatim. They don’t SOURCE or critique the writer or publication, or look for truly differing opinions across the aisles of ideologies. They don’t watch and source news articles as maniacally as Americans do. 

As a result, Canadians ALLOW themselves to be misled, and participate in their own fleecing. From the gas pump, to housing costs, to tax time, back to the voting booth for Trudeau Round 2 – most Canadians just put up with the fleecing because they feel they can’t do anything about it. 

After deep research and curiosity, I realized in 1995 Seattle that I am a core Libertarian and US Constitutionalist – not unlike most of the Alberta 51 and Western people I hear from every day. I believe in the Founding Fathers, the Second Amendment, and the priceless Republic business model. I have always loved and admired America since I was a little socialist boy in Quebec! But now, more than ever, I am a true American at heart. If I were a voting Albertan, I would pull the lever for 51st US Statehood – yesterday. 

Q6 – Living among Americans since 1983, how have you been treated as a Canadian? Are you treated without bias or prejudice based on nationality?
Meakin: Americans really enjoy Canadians, and there is no disrespect or bias whatsoever. You are a bit of a novelty to them, and viewed correctly as nice, polite people.

Q7 – In what ways do Canadians misunderstand Americans?
First, many Statehood people don’t realize that Americans would welcome Alberta with a bright red, white, and blue carpet – and arms wide open from coast-to-coast. A Big-League welcome! All Americans I talk to down here are giddy, and supportive of Alberta becoming their 51st State.

Second, I do sense many Canadians see Americans as hardasses, loving guns, being rude, all that stuff. Do you notice Ottawa and the Canadian press trying to vilify the Freedom Convoy people in much the same way? I address these myths a lot in the book. Although there is an element of truth to the labels above, the untold truth, especially with the mainstream media, is Americans are incredibly giving, caring people. They look out for their neighbours every day.  

The United States is statistically the most charitable country and people in the world when it comes to personal donations and foreign aid. And it’s not even close. I don’t think America and Americans – especially conservative Americans – receive the credit they deserve for this deeply compassionate side.    

Q8 – What could Americans stand to learn about Canadians?
Meakin: To throw out the labels, and understand Canadians are people too! I write a lot in the book, often satirically, about the disregard, and misunderstanding of Canada and Canadians. Of all the similar core traits Canadians have with Americans, I believe the Canadian spirit and courage is unrecognized, or underestimated by Americans. This Canadian fighting spirit and courage is a force to be reckoned with when push comes to shove. Even the nicest people, when pushed TOO far, can become lions and warriors for truth, freedom, and justice.  

When Hitler pushed them too far, Canadian warriors answered the call. My grandfather in Montreal was one of them, for five long years in the European theater during WWII. I believe this ferociously moral constitution can be witnessed in Canadians today, with the millions of Freedom Convoy 2022 people. 

Q9 – What traits do Canadians unconsciously share in common with Americans?

Meakin: I believe most humans agree on 80% of life, but the loud 20% get all the attention and Mic-Time. Karens are screaming everywhere we look.  Have you watched that awful show, The View lately? Canadians are so much like Americans, with only a few quirky differences, like saying “Eh” and loving hockey and Poutine. Yes, there can be ideological differences, but for the most part we are all the same people, just different accents! We love our family and community, care about health and safety, look out for others, and are generally nice people. Again, it’s the 20% Big-Mouths on both sides who get all the attention, and drive the daily narratives and Talking Points.

Q10 – What was your biggest surprise when researching the Alberta 51st US State Movement?

Two key things, thanks to so many of your posts, Ben, and some other key sources of mine. One, the Pension-Guarantee. I never realized if Alberta became a US State, Albertans would keep any federal or provincial pensions they have earned. Pensions would just be paid by Washington DC in the form of Social Security…likely in US FUNDS. Wow!

Second was the fact that US Statehood for Canadian provinces is not a new idea by any means. As early as the American Revolution days, right up to Confederation, this was a robust conversation…and still is, obviously. From the get-go, it was the intent of America’s founders that Canada should join them.

The legal fighting and squabbling pre and post-referendum will be loud and lengthy, but no worries. Once Alberta is a US State, she would have America on her side. Much like an abused spouse, Alberta will only be appreciated after she leaves. Then watch the fireworks when she finally meets Mr. Right –The USA! If you need us to protect your borders, though, let’s wait until 2022, maybe 2024! More on that another time.

Q11 – So you believe Alberta will actually become the 51st State of the United States of America?

Meakin: Yes. I believe existential change is in the wind worldwide, especially on personal freedom issues. I always encourage my Alberta friends: By voting YES to Alberta 51 in the next year or two, you can make a Game-Changing, exciting difference for you, your children, your grandchildren and beyond. Think about it. Your entire family will be full American-Canadians by BIRTH – with no borders, and full access to the entire United States. 

And, you will find joy in many daily American freedoms you could never experience in Canada, and never will. Canada will NEVER have a Second Amendment, full stop. It is all up to the voters in Alberta. If they want change, they can do something about it. 

Q12 – How has your book, WHY I CAME TO AMERICA…and what I think now, been received so far?

Meakin: Since its release, the book has shipped to 7 Canadian provinces and 11 US states. Even a few to Mexico and England. Kudos and passionate testimonials are pouring in, which is deeply moving to an old author guy like me. 

So far, the vast majority of my readers and Facebook Friends are Canadian, especially Albertans. It’s incredible, actually, and I would have never expected it. I am not an Amazon or Kindle guy for now; my strategic choice. The book is only available through my website, I keep it simple and secure with Squarespace and Stripe. Great people. 

Because of the fun response, especially from Alberta 51 and Freedom Convoy people, I have extended my Early-Bird pricing until February 15th. I like to keep things simple.

And I want to take this opportunity to THANK YOU, BENJAMIN EBLE. You are an amazing Leader and Facilitator of this Group. I have learned SO much about Canada’s history from you and the group. Education is the key to the entire Movement as I see it, and you are doing a stellar job to that end. 

When people know all the facts, and all the data, they will vote Alberta 51. And then honk for the Truckers!

And before I sign-off, to all the wonderful folks who already have my book in hand – THANK YOU SO VERY MUCH! I am deeply humbled. Thanks, eh!



Greg Meakin
P.O.BOX 841
Arizona City, AZ 85123
Media Inquiries:
Book Orders:

Trial and Error Healthcare

By Greg Meakin

When you don’t know anything about a problem you’re trying to tackle, Trial and Error is the ticket. It is used in business, science, and when trying to figure out a new TV remote. Try something. Fail. Try something else. Fail. Keep trying until it works – or until you finally throw the remote across the room and go to the fridge for a cold one.

Trial and Error is not recommended for certain problems; skydiving, fighting Mike Tyson, talking back to dad, or Lethal Injection.

The Covid-19 catastrophe for the past two years has been an instructional clinic on Trial and Error. Problem is, the “scientists and experts” have veiled Trial as truth, and have accepted Error as death.

My favorite George W. Bush joke was:How many wars does a guy have to start to get a drink around here? Tragically, the past two years and counting might one day have a macabre punchline:

“How many Americans do we have to inject with new drugs until they stop dying?”.

In my mind, the Error part is just too final. Much like flubbing your first skydiving attempt, as mentioned above. If the mainstream narrative is accepted verbatim (as it has been), the dialogue could be chronicled as follows:

  *Covi-19 is the deadliest killer in our lifetime
  *We now have a Vaccine that will fix the problem
  *The Vaccine didn’t work like we thought
  *Booster 1 will fix the problem
  *Booster 1 didn’t work like we thought
  *Booster 2 will fix the problem
  *Booster 2 didn’t work like we thought
  *No worries, we’ll try Booster 3, 4, 5, and heck, a bunch more if needed…to fix the problem.

Then, some day in the unforeseen future, the government will declare it saved the day, that day! (I wrote extensively about this political phenomenon, a pseudo Munchausen Syndrome By Proxy).

Like so many, I have just tried to figure out what to do since the beginning. But like so few, I have wondered if we needed to do ANYTHING at all, really.

  *Did we need to shut down the economy?
  *If masks worked, why do we still have a problem? 
  *Why are half the people hospitalized today “fully vaccinated”
  *If virtually no young people die, why risk vaccination?
  *Why don’t we tell people there are 4 additional maladies per Covid death?

If I am to believe the news, we still have a raging problem that guarantees widespread death; we need to vaccinate every citizen in order to fix the problem; masks work to fix the problem; easing government restrictions would create a catastrophic outbreak and health problem; this is likely an endless future problem. 

Sorry. This is all new to me. I have witnessed many things in my sixty-two years, but nothing like this. Not the virus; the PANIC. The lock-step of government and media with a single message of panic.

In the olden days only a few decades ago, there were really bad things: measles, polio, viruses galore. We received one measles shot, and I don’t remember anyone getting measles again. We received one Polio shot, and I don’t remember anyone then developing Polio. The seasonal flu comes and goes, comes and goes, and we didn’t shut down our economy. I just don’t get it, I guess.

What I do know?…

1. After two years of the most intensive health crisis mobilization in history, with unprecedented government involvement, regulation and mandates – nothing has improved, and there now appears no end in sight.

2. The government has insisted they are RIGHT – and has not confessed the Trial and Error dice-roll nature of their response.

3. There is now clear and vocal segregation in this country – Vaccinated and Unvaccinated.

4. The Pro-Vax people believe they are 100% right, and more than willing to dismiss the freedom of personal choice for all others.

5. Thousands of hard working people have been fired, or placed on UNPAID, no-benefits leave, because they have refused to receive the shot. This includes hundreds of military people and front-line emergency workers, often after careers spanning decades. (This is TOTALLY UNACCEPTABLE).

6. Virtually all decision makers and policy experts have not lost ONE DIME of wages or benefits during the entire pandemic. AOC has been earning $14,000 per month all this time. The fired employees don’t even have their health care anymore.

7. More than 50% of hospitalizations for Covid-19 are VACCINATED people. Over half! I don’t get it.

Illegal border crossers are NOT required to take Covid tests, or receive the “vaccine”.

9. Thousands of POSITIVE COVID CASES have been released into US communities, with no regulation or supervision.

10. I believe we did not have to do ANYTHING when tackling the pandemic since day-one. Other than ramping up our hospitals (who are amazing), swiftly exploring and implementing wellness measures, and Triage care for the high-risk folks; seniors, pre-existing conditions, etc. Prophylactic measures such as Hydroxychloroquine, Ivermectin, Vitamins (!), and others would have surely boosted “immunity” levels and promoted herd immunity.

I believe the oppressive government regulations have prolonged the “crisis” – and Democrat politicians have used the pandemic as a wholly-unconstitutional cudgel on American citizens. Covid-19 became a trumped-up weapon to wield…in order to win elections and retain power over the people.

If I had one wish, it would be that history exposes the past two years as the fabricated, media-political collusion story of the century. It is not the Pandemic. It is the Panic.

I pray our younger generations are able to learn from the naivety and blatant cover-ups and censorship of the early 2020s, and NEVER make this brutal mistake again.

Public policy has been more deadly and protracted than it could have been – and as unconstitutional as Japanese Internment Camps.

Lest we forget, people.

Florida has done it. The UK has done it. Others are doing it. It is time to open up the country again.

It is time to live life again.

Greg Meakin is a dual-citizen born in Portsmouth NH, and raised in Montreal. He wrote his first political article in 1978, covering Pierre Elliot Trudeau. He spent most of his adult life in the Seattle area, and is now writing and publishing full-time in Arizona City AZ. He recently published his third book, WHY I CAME TO AMERICA..and what I think now. The book (15.00 US with free shipping) is only available through his website; He can also be reached by email;


By Greg Meakin

February 2022

To my fellow Canadians who live in Alberta:

Alberta becoming the 51st U.S. state? Is that even possible? No way! Really?

Having been raised in turbulent Quebec in the ‘60s and 70s, and living in the states since, I feel a unique perspective when reflecting on my Old Canada, and the New Canada today.

And what I see is not a pretty picture. Irreconcilable differences abound, and linger every day.

This conversation will have its day with big speeches on big podiums, and long, involved news articles leaning one way or the other. Most people I know, however, would prefer a candid, no bs chat at the kitchen table. Or perhaps around a campfire.

Oddly, after decades growing up in Montreal, I only got to know Western Canada, and Western Canadians, in my later years living in the states!

Back East back then, nobody cared about what was going on Out West. Hockey games started so late at night, we didn’t even consider them hockey games. The Hockey Night in Canada scoreboard never had scores for the western teams, for obvious time-change reasons. “Late” or “11 pm” or “Whatever” was the score of those late games.

New-Age teams with names like Canucks, Oilers and Flames would generate barely an eye roll from “savvy” Original Six east coasters like me. (Until that kid named Gretzky rocked the entire hockey planet, bien sur).

It’s not that we disrespected Canadians out west – we just didn’t care. They were a bunch of cowboys who liked big rodeos. I look back now and realize nothing has changed. The blatant disrespect, or simple disregard, seems to be more entrenched than ever. Even newbies on the block, like that Justin Trudeau kid, said as much publicly!

Alberta? Whatever.

However, those self-anointed east coast liberals who pull the strings for all of Canada will be in for a rude awakening. If I am reading the political tea leaves correctly, the province of Alberta will shake the very core of comfort-zone, uber-polite Canada.

Alberta is quietly moving to become the 51st U.S. state. Write it down. Also, understand that this is not a whim, and boasts a comprehensive checklist of logical reasons that now screams…


Sure, there have been grumblings of provincial “independence” from Canada, mainly in La Belle Province of Quebec. Very loud grumblings, and tangible examples like past referendums.

There have been noble western independence movements such as WEXIT, who envisioned a friendly yet independent relationship with Ottawa. A bit murky to the simplistic American guy in me, that’s for sure. 

As with the Canadian culture as a whole, most visions and proposals of provincial independence have largely been a polite conversation. Even Quebec’s “Sovereignty-Association” separation movement (that I actually voted against with a loud NON!) included the polite word, “association”. A friendly marriage separation, and staying in touch.

But today, I believe, is a different ball game. I believe Canada has gone from an east-west marriage spat…to an abusive, black-eye divorce, complete with an eternal restraining order. It’s a whole new world. And whether people (especially back east) realize it or not, or even care…

Alberta is pissed off. Really pissed off.

And why shouldn’t they be? They pay for everything and get nothing!

Much of eastern Canada, especially separatist elements of Quebec, remind me of a whiny spoiled teenager wanting independence from the household – and dissing the poor parents who have to pay for everything!

Problem for eastern Canada? Albertans have been listening the whole time you have been dissing them. They know you want them just for their Equalization!

The term “Timing is Everything” has never been more relevant when considering Alberta could actually pull the trigger and yes, become the 51st state of the United States of America.

And sooner than you think.

Back to the kitchen table/campfire chat, I will plainly list what  Alberta 51 would mean to the average Albertan…like you:

Another GregsList…

1. Don’t worry it can’t be done
It can. The groundwork is already built-in to the constitutional workings in both Canada and the US. It can be done if the majority of Albertans vote to make it happen. A Referendum is the ticket. 

2. Don’t worry about being landlocked
With an open US border to Alberta, the new state would be a gushing, instant world-access phenomenon.

3. Don’t worry about breaking up Canada
You are already broken up. East vs. West in 2022 is a donnybrook as never seen before in Confederation. A brutal divide of economies, politics, and culture. Canada is already divorced. 

4. Don’t worry about losing your Canadian roots or culture
The United States, thanks to its unique republic model, welcomes you to maintain your individuality. Stay as Canadian as you want! Matter of fact, Alberta would be able to celebrate more of her culture and uniqueness in a free America, than currently “allowed” by Papa Ottawa.

5. Don’t worry about your oil
It would be ALL YOURS for a change. You make your own State Constitution, elect your own leadership, and declare independent ownership of your own oil. In Alaska they have this “ownership” declaration, and literally pay annual royalties to Alaska CITIZENS! Alberta would gush more than ever with Oil, Black Gold, Texas Tea. And it would be all yours – with a built-in buyer forever, The United States.  

6. Don’t worry about high prices ever again
Prices of gas, energy, consumer goods, and everything else would plummet in Alberta. Also, SELECTION would skyrocket with familial access to the US supply chain.

7. Don’t worry about American violence and crime
You could establish yourself as a “safe state” with world-class law enforcement and 2nd Amendment protections for citizens. States like South Dakota and many others are very safe.

8. Don’t worry about being politically disregarded

Picture it. Alberta would be a U.S. state, with two senators in Washington DC (just like all 50 states) – with equal say in national and international matters. EQUAL!

9. Don’t worry about enforcing your independence from Canada
It’s hard to picture for most, but Alberta will finally call its own shots. From Day One, all American resources are now Alberta’s – including legal and political protection, US military and law enforcement, intelligence and border protection, and others. 

10. Don’t worry. Be happy
This is the simplest idea, but perhaps the most challenging for patriotic, sentimental Canadians when it comes time to actually pull the voting lever. It’s scary stuff. Canadians worry, or learn to not care. Canadians apologize too much, and yes, fear big change. The biggest obstacle to happiness is usually worry, or fear. The minute Albertans lose the worry, the fear, the politeness – and choose their OWN good; their own happiness – is the moment Alberta will feel the joy of freedom. The inner peace that can happen when one has righted their own listing ship; when one has overcome oppression to see the light of freedom and happiness. 

I have lived in America since 1983, and I LOVE my freedom. It is so cool to love your country every day, which I do. And you can too.

Enjoy your new found freedom. Enjoy your U.S dollar and half-price gas. Enjoy being part of the largest world-producer of oil and energy ever known to man. Enjoy being #1 in the world in everything! Enjoy being Number Two to nobody – including the now-irrelevant Ontario and Quebec.

Enjoy being a born Canadian with full American Citizenship. What a priceless, timeless gift.

It can be done. It needs to be done. 

And yes, Alberta, you deserve it.

Greg Meakin is a dual-citizen born in Portsmouth NH, and raised in Montreal. He wrote his first political article in 1978, covering Pierre Elliot Trudeau. He spent most of his adult life in the Seattle area, and is now writing and publishing full-time in Arizona City AZ. He recently published his third book, WHY I CAME TO AMERICA..and what I think now. The book (15.00 US with free shipping) is only available through his website; He can also be reached by email;

CHAZ: Seattle Grants Liberals Their Utopian Wish

I am thrilled for my deeply liberal friends who believe America sucks the way it is, and needs to be modernized. This week, they now have a prototype, a new country in downtown Seattle named CHAZ (Capital Hill Autonomous Zone). My liberal buddies finally have a chance to do it their way -- the framework for a happy, utopian society, void of police, old fashioned laws, and privileged white oppression.Since the 1960s hippie movement, idealists of the time lectured about the need to modernize our world, and our thinking. Noble causes such as racial integration, equality for women, environmental stewardship and others, were the order of the day -- and in most cases, thankfully so.

Having grown up in uber-liberal, mega-taxed Montreal during those years, I can now see I was a disenfranchised guy. I moved to Seattle in 1983 with a conscious commitment to leave Quebec and pursue the American Dream under Ronald Reagan. From a purely personal standpoint, it felt right.

Deepest Thanks From Greg

November 15, 2018

To the hundreds of loving people who wished me well after my emergency hospitalization last week -- THANK YOU!!!    ...(the crowd goes wild!).

I have 1,200 Facebook Friends, and I swear I heard from all of em since I was released from PeaceHealth Hospital in Longview WA last week. How very cool.

It might sound weird (nothing new for me, of course) but I heard from so many people, from so many countries, and heard from friends and relatives I have not been in touch with for years. Some I'd never met. Even people that don't like my politics! It was wonderful.

November 9 at 12:07 PM


November 9 at 12:07 PM ·

Wow. First Facebook post in three days. Nice to be at a keyboard again.

I rarely talk about personal health issues on Facebook, but I will make an exception here. Last night I was released from the hospital in Longview, WA after arriving there by ambulance the day before. It's a long story (emotional and spiritual) of which I will be writing my next eMagazine article.

Not a soul knew about my two days in the ER and Cardiac Care units of PeaceHealth, not even my family -- thanks to my amazing wife, my confidante Soul Mate, Deborah Meakin. Thanks, Honey.

I asked (and kinda demanded) to be released the first day, but that doctor guy wouldn't let me until he was 100% sure I hadn't experienced a heart attack. Those rascally doctors!!!!!

Trump Deniers

Today, to be labelled a Climate Change Denier, or a Birth Certificate Denier, is really bad. It's right up there with other disses like Nazi, Racist, Hater of Puppies, and the rest. This coming from the self-anointed liberals who believe they make the rules about what we should all say, and collectively think. The only thing I see in common with those labelling anyone Deniers, is they are activist progressives.    

So, to upset the apple cart once again, I'm officially labelling a new Denier –

Ted Cruz Corners Megyn Kelly...and Greg's Political Button Game is born

Finally, a politician is catching up to me. I recently watched Senator Ted Cruz corner Fox's Megyn Kelly on her political views, and personal party allegiance. It was awesome.

In case you missed it, Cruz implied Kelly was clearly not a liberal, based on her reporting, and she and other Fox News personalities have indeed voted in presidential primaries in the past.Cruz' claim was that journalists were ideological voters too, regardless of the objectivity they feign in their lofty media role.

Hillary Clinton...Server-Spectaculaire Update

Hillary Clinton's political career is over.

If I were a Vegas bookie, I'd set the Over-Under of her departure from politics (and likely launching a new speaking and writing career) at midnight, New Year's Eve 2015.

This is not right, not left, not anywhere in between as a political opinion. It is a mathematical thing – handicapping a horse race one-year before Post-Time. That's all. I like to handicap things.

If lucky, Hillary will be able to leave politics with her dignity, and "clean" record intact. Perhaps even no criminal charges at all, never mind a half-dozen or more, as it looks now!

Perhaps she hangs on until the calendar reads January 1, 2016? But I doubt it.

I Must Speak Out (Way Loud)...About This Stupid Iran Deal

This is a hoax, a scam, a grave danger to us all – all rolled into one. For my beloved America. For my beloved Canada. For my beloved England.

This is High Treason against my beloved home-countries. Home for me. Hometimes three. Citizen or Subject of All. Sounds like a movie title. 

This nonsense that President Obama tries to sell me with a straight face. (Via the Teleprompter, of course, but a straight face nonetheless).

He tries to tell me that the Iran contract, treaty, whatever – is good for me as an American citizen. Wonderful for me, and my fellow Americans. In so many ways.

Namely none.

Harry Browne For President...or the next best thing for an ailing country

Since 1995, I have loved talking about Harry Browne. The first thing I usually hear is, "Who the heck is Harry Browne?" This gives me an automatic upper hand in the conversation, especially with people who think they are really, really smart. And, as an old, uber-competitive ex-jock, I love getting the upper hand on my opponent.

As a sneak preview of his legacy, I will simply say the more people learn about the late Harry Browne, the more they discover he viewed American citizens as having only one major opponent in life -- The United States government. Not the mushy Dems, or the mean Republicans, or the utopian Sanders socialists. Our enemy, according to this teacher and provocateur of the U.S. Constitution and individual freedom -- is government itself.

Thank You Donald Trump...for letting me come out of the closet

Dear Mr. Trump:

Thank you sir. Thank you for allowing me to come out of the closet.

The closet of Politically Correct muteness, of course – silence by PC gagging.

This has been an awful two decades for regular Working Joes like me – staying quiet in order not to offend anyone. It's weird. It's frustrating. I sometimes feel overwhelmed by political correctness, like there's nothing I can do about it.

And well, what I feel and see is a dramatic socialist direction I feel the country is veering. My great-grandfather would never understand.

My Webmaster Warned Me

My webmaster warned me yesterday morning that I would have daily opportunities to write blog entries since publishing my analysis of Donald Trump's Republican candidacy for President. Trump is such a controversial guy, he's in the news stirring something up every day. Since I penned my very first stab at political writing on July 15th, my Facebook page and private email have been busy. Fun busy, but busy busy.