By Greg Meakin

“Everything’s fine, because it won’t happen to me”

I don’t know if anyone has noticed, but Canada is kind of divided right now. Scratch that. My beloved Canada has gone from a confederated Sunday School picnic with family and friends…to an outright donneybrook of dueling-citizens. The benches have cleared, and the melees have begun. Away we go.

I can’t believe what I’m seeing. I am a writer not a fighter, and a dual citizen to-boot. I have been struggling to figure out a way to Referee the ugly brawl, without stepping on any toes with a sharp skate blade.

Although the dust has settled a bit with the Prime Minister revoking the Emergency Act, I want to make just one point, and identify one clear Tipping Point that occurred during the Freedom Convoy 2022 episode. I view the cultural and ideological war that continues to unfold across Canada as a simple concept. But how to communicate this simplicity to both sides of this chasm of upheaval, vitriol, and couch-fainting?...

It’s a ferocious battle between Personal Freedom, and perceived Community Good. Simple, really.

Through the inevitable fog of this unique war, the ONE thing that disturbs me more than anything was the unilateral freezing of private citizens’ bank accounts. This was uncharted and underhanded territory for
uber-polite Canada, for sure – but to those in favor, it sounded like a routine walk in the park.

I don’t understand how one side cannot see through the fog to the other side’s position, even for a moment. But before you think this is a nonpartisan campfire of coziness, I have chosen to take a position, and have used my essay title as the best way to capture the attention of my more ardent Canadian Liberal friends. Trump triggers liberals, for sure.

First, to relieve any angry readers here (especially in Toronto!) – Donald Trump will never be King of Canada. And, Canada will never have a crowned King in Ottawa…I think.

The point I want to make is; the now in-vogue labelling of entire groups of nice people as pseudo-domestic terrorists, is easily the most dangerous thing that could happen to personal freedom in Canada, full stop.

The Art-of-Label was perfected on January 6th, where Democrats and their accomplices in the mainstream media successfully branded President Trump – and ALL his supporters – as domestic terrorists. According to spin, these Trump alt-right people had one goal: to illegally overthrow the government. Seditionists! Insurrectionists!

”They are a threat to our democracy!” were the DNC Talking Points of the day, and echoed even today by cut-and-paste journalists, and other vocal activists.

And this Art-of-Label ruse was wildly successful to a grossly under-researched audience…hook, line and sinker. I remind my MAGA-hating friends north and south, they are trashing 75-million people – and coincidentally, HALF the electorate in the United States!

The Tipping Point I want to identify was the Canadian Parliament voting to EXTEND the Emergencies Act. To me, this changed everything. This was Tribe vs. Tribe warfare. If it were just the Prime Minister pulling the trigger on the Act, opponents could easily just label him a King, or Dictator, or Garcon de Sock.

But with the extension vote, Monsieur Trudeau was off the Kingly hook, and could claim the Act was extended by the democratic will of Parliament, and the majority of Canadians ad hominem. Well played, Mr. Prime Minister, well played. You owe your NDP buddy, big-league.

Again, this privacy-grab and financial oppression was nonchalant routine to supporters of the Emergency Act.

Canadian Liberal Karen: “The Trucker Convoy, along with its participants and supporters, broke the law! They would not comply with the law, so they deserved it. They deserved to have their bank accounts frozen, their insurance revoked, their licences suspended, and anything else to penalize them for breaking the law. If they lose everything they have, that’s their problem. They were warned. They didn’t comply.” 

To those Canadians who would concur with Karen above, I contend it is mainly because it does not affect YOU, or your daily life. Here is an example:

Let’s just pretend Donald Trump is King of Canada:

    1. First minute on the throne, Trump exonerates all Trucker Convoy participants.

    2. He orders all private information garnered by law enforcement to be expunged, with apologies to those affected.

    3. Anyone who spoke publicly AGAINST the Truckers on social media or elsewhere, is identified and entered into a federal database labelled, “Anti-Charter”.  These folks were obviously trying to subvert Canada’s Charter of Rights, and it will be determined if they broke the law. 

    4. These Charter of Rights Subversives (many of whom are Trudeau supporters), are subject to having their bank or credit union accounts, and other personal assets frozen – until we can get to the bottom of their involvement and support. Many are frozen immediately by King Trump’s Order, without Parliament approval.

5. If put in jail for non-compliance, these Anti-Charter folks will be considered guilty until proven innocent, and not entitled to bail, or traditional due process.

This silly (but edgy) GregsList above is an attempt to provide a virtual example of what transpired in Canada during the Freedom Convoy “emergency”. These are essentially Trudeau actions against the convoy protesters – but the roles are reversed to involve the dreaded name TRUMP.

Be honest. If Justin Trudeau actions were Trump Actions, would you still have been ok with the Emergencies Act?

…“Only until it happens to you, perhaps?”

Greg Meakin is a dual-citizen, born in Portsmouth NH and raised in Montreal. He spent most of his adult life in the Seattle area, and is now retired in Arizona City AZ. He writes and publishes full-time, and just released his third book,
WHY I CAME TO AMERICA…and what I think now. The book is only available on his website, gregmeakin.com, and his email address is gregmeakin2020@gmail.com